Committed to enhancing
living in River Forest
Welcome to River Forest residential community. The River Forest Civic Association (RFCA) is a dedicated neighborhood organization consisting of elected officers, a board of directors, member property owners, and community volunteers. Our unifying goal is the continual improvement in the quality of our community in accordance with our bylaws.
The RFCA works together to address neighborhood-related board matters, to administer and service the day-to-day community affairs, and to maintain timely communication between our members in order to enhace living in River Forest.
Meet our board members
Todd Ivey
Justin Ong
Joshua Quinones
Shannon Saegert
Lyndon Yose
Dick Swan
Vice President
Past President
Security Head
For inquiries relating to RFCA including real estate matters, please contact
Lone Star Community Management at info@rfcahouston.org or (281) 717-3481.
Resale certificate not required
Fees: $200 for property transfer and $100 for refinancing
Real estate inquiries
Important matters
Association dues
Block captains
Jenny Teixeira
Mary Marquardsen
Chip Saegert
Joan Cupic
Ingrid Shurn
Jason Saunders
Drew Szilagyi
Cardinal Lane
Carolcrest Cir
River Forest
2023 Annual Dues
$700 per household
Payment postmarked by 2/7/2023 will be eligible for 5% discount.
Payment received after 2/24/2023 will incur an additional 10% late payment penalty.
Make checks payable to:
River Forest Civic Association
Mail to:
River Forest Civic Association
1903 Vermont Street
Houston, Texas 77019
Please include your River Forest address on your check
or call (281) 717-3481 to pay by credit card (processing fee applies).
Name Street
Facebook pages
Please join our River Forest Neighborhood Facebook page to get information on upcoming events
or as a discussion board with your
fellow homeowners.
Additionally the NFAFMDARF
- Neighborhoods Facebook page is a forum for surrounding neighborhoods (Nottingham Forest,
Ashford Forest, Memorial Drive Acres and River Forest).